Almanac of Quiet Days: Poems
by Lois Parker Edstrom
Photography by Emily Gibson
50 poems ~ 50 photographs
Format: 8” x 10” ~ Perfect Bound
Price: $21.00
Publisher: Cyberwit
ISBN: 978-93-90601-98-1
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Leonardo da Vinci said, “Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and
poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” In this case, of course, we are
referring to photography, not painting. But the truth of da Vinci’s dictum
remains unchanged. Edstrom and Gibson’s collaboration is nothing short of a
triumph. Here, poetry and photography partner in a volume that will provide
many hours of enjoyment as da Vinci’s wisdom plays itself out in real time.
This is a collection not to hurry through, but to savor in quiet moments with a
glass of your favorite wine.


“In this gorgeous ekphrastic volume, a physician farmer and retired nurse
combine their photographs and poems to convey the richness surrounding us.
Grazing Haflingers and ripening grain; enchantment in the deep forest and the
reading room; spiders weaving; bumblebees gathering and snow geese soaring;
these and many other scenes of peace and tranquility soothe the soul. In
creating this collection, Edstrom and Gibson render a form of healing deeper
than the physical.”
—Sheryl Clough, Editor/Photographer, Writer; Author of Ring of Fire, Sea of
and Poul na Brone: In the Hollow of the Millstone

“When, in a single volume, verses of power and insight are joined with photo-
graphic images of striking natural beauty, the combination is a rare gift for
reflection and enjoyment. How better to celebrate Creation in its varied forms.”
—Luci Shaw, Author, The Generosity, and Angels Everywhere (forthcoming
from Paraclete Press)

“Fresh Air” is among the poetic gems to be found in a new volume of ekphras-
tic poems by Lois Edstrom and Emily Gibson. The photograph captures layered
landscape decorated in subtle pastels of blue, green and yellow. There is a tree
line bordering the outer reaches of a pasture. Taken through a window looking
out, both the photo and the poem bid readers to, “Open the window. Breathe
deeply. / Let fresh air in.” If fresh air is a need in your life Almanac of Quiet
is calling your name.”
—Michael Escoubas, author of Little Book of Devotions: Poems that Connect
Nature, God, and Man


Lois Parker Edstrom, a retired nurse, is the author of two chapbooks and five
full length collections of poetry, the most recent The Lesson of Plums, Moon-
Path Press, 2020. Her poetry has been read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s
and featured in American Life in Poetry. Edstrom’s career in nursing
and her poetic passion coalesced when one of her poems appeared in Poems in
the Waiting Room,
a publication furnished to hospitals and doctors’ offices in
New Zealand. Her poetry has appeared in various literary journals and antho-
logies, been translated into Braille, and adapted to dance. She lives with her
husband on Whidbey Island, an island off the west coast of the United States.


Emily Gibson is a photographer, writer and family physician who farms with
her husband in northwest Washington State. She Chronicles their farm life with
words and pictures on her Barnstorming blog and has been a frequent con-
tributor to Country Magazine as well as Ann Voskamp’s Only the Good Stuff:
Multivitamins for Your Weekend.


Cathedral of Light
by Lois Parker Edstrom
Photography by Emily Gibson

See how sunlight falls
into a forest creating columns
of shadow and slanted brightness?

Light slides down the trunks of silent
evergreens, partners with the wind
to excite quaking aspens.

It does not give itself to everything,
barely touching the cool damp pockets
where moss fronds glisten

and crumbled remains of fallen
cedars molder in a hollow
of aromatic scent.

The forest awakens and the light
unravelling its darkness sends
rays as pure as love.


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