Ojo Caliente ~ New Mexico ~ by Sharmagne Leland-St. John

by Gail Denham

The tall, naked trees, at the end
of our driveway, looked so lonely,
after all their bright leaves dropped.

Each day as I drove past, on the way
to work, I mourned the passing of
summer, and fall zipping by so quickly.

Winter waited in the wings. Chilly
North winds reddened my cheeks. Bulging
snow clouds hovered over the mountains.
Mornings were colder each day. It was
hard to know how to dress; layers
of sweaters, sweatshirts, coats.

Then I had an idea. Although Christmas
was two months away, we could decorate the
stark, skinny sentinels that guarded our road.
Bright lights, a few red and blue glass bulbs.

Husband muttered about the extra work,
the long extension cords, the cost, but
the results surprised us all.

Neighbors stopped their cars and looked, for
long minutes. Delivery people smiled as they
brought Amazon packages, children
wandered up our driveway, laughing. Our
lonely bare trees became a colorful blessing.


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