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The nominations for the Pushcart Prize for 2024 And Sing Me to Sleep by Vaughn Neeld Field Notes from an Old Chair by D. R. James His Hands by Thelma T. Reyna
First Runners-Up:
An Acrostic Golden Shovel for Robert Frost by Kathy Lohrum Cotton A Quick Sketch by Priscilla Turner Spada Dances at Dusk by Bob Moore Eyeless in Gaza: A Prayer for Chanukah 2023* by Joel Savishinsky Growing Up in the Fifties by Claire Scott Mother Hands by Mikela Bjork Painting the Tides by Pauli Dutton Porch Boppin’ by CJ Rakay requiem by Marcel Aime Duclos Skimming Stones by Yingcai
After Mourning, by Paulette Demers Turco A Golden Shovel Acrostic for Louise Glück by Sharmagne Leland-St.John All I Really Need . . . by Elayne Clift An Evening in Spring by Michael Escoubas At the Edge of Shangri-La”, by MFrost Delaney At the Edge of the Meadow by Sharmagne Leland-St.John Bomb Site by Steven Cramer Clair de Lune by Claire Booker Fade to Dusk by Priscilla Turner Spada Food of My Youth by Andrea Potos He Gave Us Nature: by Thelma T. Reyna Honey Bees by Janet Smith Post I Am Wearing My Mother’s Blouse by Andrea Potos Indian Relocation 1956", by Sharmagne Leland-St. John In the Beginning by Vaughn Neeld Jigsaw Puzzles by Wilda Morris Lakeside Bird Feeder, Squirrels by D. R. James Leaf Fall by D. R. James Letting Daddy Teach Me How to Swim by MFrost Delaney Listening to Trees by Wilda Morris Little Lives in Sun and Shadow by Linda Fuller Now That Summer's Gone by Sharmagne Leland-St John On Beacon Hill by Claire Booker
http://quillandparchment.com/archives/Sept2024/beac.html On Earth as It Is by Karla Linn Merrifield On this Pale Pink Morning...Christmas Day 1847 by Sharmagne Leland-St. John Shadow of the Crow by Candace Armstrong Snake Bite by Kate Kingston Solace by Paulette Demers Turco Soon the Scene Will Change by Marcel Aime Duclos Taste of Paradise, by Michael Escoubas The Beginning by CJ Rakay The Invisible Wind by Yingca
The Muddy Muddy Eel by Ann E. Michael The Murder of Bess by Sharmagne Leland-St. John. The Path Home, by Claire Booker The Picture of Love, Kevin, RIP 3/10/23, by MFrost Delaney The Trap Door, by Laura Foley Trolls Bowl in Competition Over Mountain Village by Lenora Rain-Lee Good
You are the Moon; I am the Qiantang River by Yingcai
D Dialogue by Wesley D. Sims E Ekphrasis by Sharmagne Leland-St.John F Facets by Bob Moore 57th Anniversary Conversation by Kathy Cotton First Poem for August by Mikela Bjork Fishing Deep Among the Reeds by Michael Escoubas Flashes of a Crimson Sun by Mark Fleisher Flight of the Eagle, by Ellen Dooling Reynard Frozen by Michael Escoubas G Genesis by Michael Escoubas Ghost Trees 2by Maralee Gerke H HAPPINESS by Barbara Crooker Hawk and Harnser by Geoffrey Heptonstall How wild was the wind by Jane Lang I If Only I Were the Wind by Bing Hua I Knew An Old Lady and She Died by Judy Clarence Imagine, by Lana Hechtman Ayers Sun by Mary Jo Balistreri In the Last Days of July, My Father by Andrea Potos J June Memoriam by Andrea Potos K Keep Trying, by Laura Foley Kitchen Roses by Susan Rogers L Last Day of May by Sharmagne Leland-St. John Lilacs by Wilda Morris Loaf Like Whitman Intoxicated by Michael Feld Simon Looking Towards Smock Mill by Claire Booker Love Song, by Carole Mertz M Motif #1, Priscilla Turner Spada Mount Wilson by Sharmagne Leland-St. John Mournful Winds by Gay Williford My Happy Place by Sharmagne Leland-St. John N Neglect by Geoffrey Heptonhstall November on Parade! by Michael Escoubas Now that I have a fractured foot, by Wilda Morris O Oh, Beat the Drum Slowly by Gay Williford On Fresh Fallen Snow”, Paulette Demers Turco On the Edge of North Hampton Cove by Bob Moore P Pink Hula Hoop by Margaret R. Saraco Pre-Hibernation by Ann E. Michael R Rooted Fast by Vaughn Neel S Season’s End by Gay Williford Season of Joy by Michael Escoubas Serenade, by Michael Escoubas Skinny Died When I Was 25 by Michael Feld Simon Sixmile Creek by Scott Shaffer Snowfall by Yingcai Soulmates by Karen O’Leary Stars by Candace Turner Sudden Fall Wind by Dan Fitzgerald Summer Dreams by Jim Wilkerson Summer Nights, by Bob Moore T Take in the Scent of Cedars as You Gaze across the Lake, by Paulette Demers Turco Tempestuous by Renee Butner The dead are breathing by John Guzlowski The First Good Poem for Win by Andrea Potos