Dearest Merle
by Mark Fleisher

Thank you for remembering
and holding a place for me,
opening your generous heart,
and touching mine
Thank you for taking my hand
when we walk down the street,
at the movies, cruising aisles
of supermarkets, browsing
in department stores
Thank you for showing me
the world through new windows
and not showing me the door
when reasons existed
Thank you for getting excited
about the World Series
and the Super bowl
Thank you for the smile
of infinite brightness
and the glare putting me
in my proper place
Thank you for our days,
our nights, living life
sometimes an adagio,
sometimes a prestissimo
Thank you for knowing when
to push and knowing
when to step back
Thank you for
compassion, courage
Thank you for loving me,
letting me love you,
for taking chances,
giving togetherness
a whirl

All my love
this day, every day


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