Desert Flow
Art by Adrián Caldera
Poetry by Charlotte Hart
78 works of abstract digital art
78 poems in English ~ 78 poems in Spanish
Published by Cloud Hands Press
US price $30, ISBN: 978-0-9861649-0-6
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What if two people who never met or saw each other or heard each other’s voices experienced a perfect conversation with art and poetry? Inspiring, beautiful, intellectual, passionate and spiritual, Caldera’s abstract digital art spoke first, and Hart’s poetry answered without personal conversation. The art flowed from Juarez, Mexico, originally on Twitter, later by email to the North Shore of Chicago. The poem flowed electronically back to Mexico with the art. This conversation between Adrián Caldera’s art; and poetry in English by Charlotte Hart has been translated into Spanish and is the book, Desert Flow. The book overcomes boundaries of culture, language, religion, and national restrictions. Desert Flow is the creation of two artists using different disciplines of art and finding their humanity and inspiration in a unique creative conversation.


“If you’re interested in the intersection where literary art meets visual art, you might explore the simpático passions that flower (and sometimes erupt) at the corner of Charlotte Hart Street and Calle Adrián Caldera. The ancient beckoning of mourning and celebration that have always been poetry’s province are mixed here with an eye on contemporary digital possibilities, in a way that says, “Check us out!”
–Albert Goldbarth, Poet and the only two-time poetry winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award.

“Desert Flow is a deeply personal and deeply moving book. Even as it is a kind of elegy, it is also a kind of love poem, a testament to life and love and the senses, to color and creation, to the enduring wonder of the world both within us and all around us.”
–Ralph Hamilton, Poet and past editor of Rhino Magazine.

“The book by Hart and Caldera that we hold in our hands is a dialogue of light and word that returns us to the origins, to the root elementals of the journey in the ship of life. It is an apocalyptic work in the strictest sense of the word, a “revelation.”
–Antonio Muñoz, retired professor at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, UACJ, and the Institute of Social Sciences and Administration, ICSA.


Charlotte Hart is an internationally known visual artist and poet. She lives on the North Shore of Chicago. Her poems have appeared in the Journal of Modern Poetry, Thema Literary Magazine, Poetica Magazine and Levure Littéraire, among many others. Her chapbook, Organic Spirits, from Finishing Line Press, is a whimsical compilation of poems inspired by the spirits of fruits and vegetables. Her book, The Pegasus Ring, is a lyrical celebration of love and memory. For her poetry, Hart has received awards from the Journal of Modern Poetry and the Poets and Patrons Society of Chicago.


Adrián Caldera is a celebrated abstract digital artist and photographer. His many solo shows include: Museo de Arte Moderno Alberto Gironella, Gomez Palacio Durango, Museo deHistorica y Arte Contempor El Palacio de los Gurza, Durango, Museo Carrillo Gil, in Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, among others. Caldera’s work was featured in,”Paquiné–Greatness for the Past, Inspiration for the Present.” Universitetet I Oslo, Institutt Og Museum for Anthropolog, Etnografisk Museum, Oslo, Norge. Adrian Caldera lives in Ciudad, Juarez, Mexico.


The Negev
by Charlotte Hart
Art by Adrián Caldera

Desolate and vast: we take water,
wear hats and walk the folds and faults,
the empty span
full of present and past.
This land is stripped to its soul. It’s colors:
copper, chalk and marl, glittering mica,
shapes severe, austere in the glare, a silent prayer.
I hear my heart beating.
Aggressive stillness hangs in parched air. You
hear a desert tinnitus, a single dry hidden note.
You said you would lay on top of me to protect
me from the sun. This is the naked place.
Purple shadow, under this massive bluff,
earth on earth, we are windswept heat.
The sun travels, dazzles across the cliffs.
The desert shrugs off our names.
I leap lust and suck the tips
of your dusty fingers
your middle finger to the base.
Your hands slow on me, face to face.
You dig into me, sand cat,
wadi heat, harsh hunger.
Our legs in the bruise of sand,
raw repetition enters deep.
Time etched in the massive hills,
this engraves me.
Your passion creates me.
You sign me.
We breathe ancient breath.
Mirage of undulating stones,
watery lake visions,
eyes closed to emptiness.
Our inhale echoes for many moments.
With us, the shimmering land exhales.
Our breath is outside of us!
Panicked bodies pumping blood.
Souls of the unborn reel.
Souls of the dead reveal
a live frog waits in a stone.
Beloved! This is too much to feel!
Cling to me!
Stark life!


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