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Kate's Cornbread
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St John

1 cup yellow stone ground cornmeal
1 cup unbleached wheat flour
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sour cream.
2 eggs, well beaten
2 tablespoons melted butter

Mix the cornmeal, flour, sugar and salt together.
Set aside. Place the sour cream into a large bowl,
add the baking soda, mix well. Beat the eggs and
add to the soda and sour cream. Add the melted
butter and stir. Add the dry ingredients. Mix with
a fork until all dry ingredients are moistened. Do
not over mix.
Put into a greased 8 x 8" pan. Mixture will be
thick. Bake at 350º for approximately 30 minutes.
Do not overbake or your cornbread will be dry.
When a toothpick inserted into the center comes out
clean it is done.

I learned a variation of this recipe from Libby Mills.

She noted: If you need a substitute for sour cream,
mix 1 tablespoon vinegar with 1 cup cream or half-and-half.
Allow vinegar/ soda/ cream mixture to sit while preparing
other ingredients.

Editor's Note: You can also easily double this recipe for
an 8 x 16 inch glass pan and bake at the same temperature
for the same amount of time.


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