An Acrostic Golden Shovel Poem for Robert L. Frost
by Wesley D. Sims

I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.
from "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," by Robert L. Frost

Reminiscing on the things that I
Of late have done and goals that I have
Broken, resolutions too and promises,
Each one considered at the time to
Revolutionize my life or keep
The steps I take in line with my ambition and
Lofty dreams which I pursue; did they propel me miles
Forward or just dribble time and energy trying to
Remain on track, attempting at each milestone to go
Onward to reach the noble pinnacle before
Success blinds me to compassion, generosity, all the values I
Try to keep through the many miles I must go before I sleep.


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