On a Frosty Day in Plymouth
by Annie Jenkin

Weightless clouds form ribbons
of pale rose and gold.
My red scarf a muffler
against the crispy cold air.
I peek out from beneath my hood
to follow the path to a farm.

Wrapped in curly woollen coats
sheep roam the hillside
occasionally bleating.
Dressed in his chestnut
golden brown colours, a pheasant
struts, crunching down frosty grass.

Vapour gently drifts off
a clutch of thatched cottages …
they do look cosy and warm.
Blue tits, plucking at pine cones,
their blue and yellow feathers
clash with crimson holly berries,

before flitting into a barn.
A spider, covered in frosting,
runs to his web of fine white lace.
A pair of drays are led from the barn
while two more plough a field
with steam rising off their backs.

I reach for my flask of hot chocolate
smiling at all that surrounds me. The winter
season showing me its best features.

Editor’s Note: Annie Jenkin resides in Plymouth, UK.


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