Even the Dog was Quiet
by Margaret R. Sáraco
Format: 6” x 9” Perfect Bound Paperback
46 poems ~ 8 B/W drawings ~ 96 pages
Price: $15.00
Publisher: Human Error Publishing
ISBN-10: 1948521180
ISBN-13: 9781948521185
To Order: Amazon.com & Barnes & Noble


Even the Dog was Quiet is a book of poetry, delivered in hushed overtones when life catches you looking. The collection tells stories through poetry in a memoir fashion. Included in the book are Alex Polner’s interior illustrations as well as his pastel drawing “The Crossing” on the cover.


“This book is a kind of memoir in poems, a careful recounting and examination of the way Sáraco’s relationships over the course of life have shaped her, and how her memories have sustained and helped her find and make meaning from life. The poems study small interpersonal moments embedded in everyday life and pan back to consider the meaning of a life, and heart, full of thousands of these moments. This is a gorgeous book.”
–Tamar Jacobs, Associate Editor, Iron City Magazine, and author of A Man Named Darius Williams with Neon Hemlock Press.

“Margaret Sáraco’s dexterity as a poet is boldly on display in Even the Dog was Quiet. The first three poems take you into the minds of an immigrant couple whose documentation was lost in a fire, a child who cannot understand the language of adults, and a dachshund whose human companion has died. You will feel you know each of them intimately. The whole book is full of little gems based on moments in Margaret’s life or stories about her family. After reading these poems you will understand more about the poet, about the human condition, and about yourself.”
–Steve Bloom, poet, and curator of the ‘Poetry of Protest and Struggle’ project.


Margaret Sáraco is a storyteller, writing at the intersection of poetry, fiction, memoir, and plays. Her CUNY Graduate School master’s in Women’s Studies fueled her writing about feminism and politics early in her career. She also holds a master’s in mathematics (Montclair State University) and a BFA in Theatre Arts (Syracuse University). Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and twice recognized in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest, Margaret’s work appears in anthologies and journals including Paterson Literary Review, Lips Journal, Peregrine Journal, Penguin Random House India’s Greening America, The Path Literary Magazine, Meat for Tea, and many more. She is the author of the poetry collection If There is No Wind (Human Error Publishing, 2022) and serves as the co-poetry editor for the literary journal Platform Review.


Pink Hula Hoop

by Margaret R. Sáraco

I remember when my son tossed his pink hula hoop
so high it got caught in the oak tree branches

I remember we stood in the driveway and stared up,
marveling how far it traveled; we’d never reach it

I remember when we first bought the hula hoop
counting the money in the change jar

I remember walking to the toy store holding hands

I remember he rolled the new one all the way home, my voice
caught in my throat when I thought he wasn’t watching for cars

I remember thinking about that old-fashioned hoop and stick game
he didn’t know but he rolled it the same way

I remember he played outside until dark

I remember the next day it was up in the tree
and it was there even after he went away to college

I remember thinking that even though we didn’t see each other often
we spoke on the telephone

I remember telling him the hula hoop was in the tree
and then after a fierce windstorm, it wasn’t

the pink hula hoop was set out with bulky waste
and I had to write this poem to remember everything

to remember with my heart when my memory fails.

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