Winter’s Surprise
by Karen O’Leary

Reaching back to childhood …
     never ending snow …

One storm dropped so much
it drifted in front of our home
almost reaching the overhang.
Dad opened the garage door
to a wall of white. Where did
one begin? Luckily the back
yard offered refuge.

We donned our snowmobile
gear and grabbed shovels.
The snow had to be carried
through the garage, then
the attached carpeted patio.
What a mess! Thankfully,
we were a family of six.

We took turns tackling
the wall of white. We only
had two shovels and a spade
which didn’t accomplish much.

Hot chocolate break!

Then back at it. Finally, our
work yielded some free space–
the light of hope. Once we
cleared a walkway in front,
we could push some of it.
Joking around and laughter
made the task bearable. We
all slept well that night.


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