Comment on this article

by Shannon Sansariq-Irvin

Obscure beneath an ebony innocence,
Draped in jewels of The Former Queen;
she dons ignorance like a rare tiara,
Demands RESPECT, with threats of extreme ultimatums?

Demure...the angels in the air...apparent;
Escaped the WOLF, the erring parent:
Fledged at last!  He spreads wings and soars - the parent.
A masquerade...ICARUS!...Oh!  he who flew too high!

Procure, when nowhere is an heir apparent.
Rape Fools.  It's cathartic treason.
Escape all rules, for sybaritic reasons.
Oh!  opportunist, to patronize Matrimony?

Secure behind her Nuptial podium,
Shaped by tools of a third-world nation.
she rages, surges, binges, purges
And feeds the hungry Eye, while starving the Cranial.



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