February’s Rose
by Bing Hua
Translation by Yingcai Xu
100 poems ~ 140 pages
Format: 6’’ x 9” ~ Perfect Bound
Price: $19.99
Publisher: Finishing Line Press
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1646627822
           ISBN-13‏: ‎ 978-1646627820
To Order: Amazon


Bing Hua is the “Queen of Love Poetry” and an award-winning poet. Bing Hua ’s poems center on lauding the love of life and the beauty of affection. With remarkable poetic lines, she has created vital and extraordinary artistic realms. Thus, in her way of sentiment, language, and rhythm, she has freely and fully instilled the female’s tender, warm, and affectionate feelings into the deep souls of her readers. She meticulously cultivates fragrant roses by a creek, in a garden, or even in the field of her whole life. In this, she also cultivates beauty.

She integrates her whole heart into nature to directly communicate with nature and submerge herself in the orderly and unorderly boundless firmament. Her poetry is indeed commendable. It is a unique and culture-rich life experience and mental enlightenment.


Bing Hua is an outstanding poet who pursues a unique aesthetic value and is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!
–Liu Huangtian, former President of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

I like Bing Hua's poetry, simple, yet full of feelings. Mr. Xu Yingcai's translation is also quite commendable for the accuracy, individuality, and cohesion he has achieved!Bing Hua is good at allegorizing subtle intricacies and tender sentiments through scenes in the nature to express her feelings.
–William Marr, former President of Illinois State Poetry Society

Bing Hua's ecstatic poetry of love invites the reader to experience the many faces of love-love expressed in the seasons, in the gravity of a door, in the heartbreak of the girl who "Turns away from the splendor of rainbows" (This Girl). Read these poems and be moved by the enduring, and sometimes wrenching, power of love.
–Sylvia Cavanaugh, English language Editor for Poetry Hall

"Startled", you may discover "The Light of Poetry" in Bing Hua's poems on "Love" and "Waiting" and "Promise". They can help change your "Mood" in "Setback" and get rid of "The Sorrow of Blue" or some "Haunting Thoughts". Hopefully they could lead you through "That Door" to see "Dancing" "Mayflowers" and hear the "Sound of Silence".
– Zhu Xiao Di, author of Tales of Judge Dee


Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall. She has been called the queen of love poetry and a rose in the poetic world, and her poetic style is called the Bing Hua Style. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon.” She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February's Rose (2022), Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019/2020, This is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream, with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry (2021), Best Overseas Chinese Poetry (2021), Penetrating Time and Space–A Poetry Group of William Marr(2022). Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity,” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. The “Lotus Obsession,” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. She was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network in 2016. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017, and was a Pushcart Prize nominee in 2015 and 2021.

Yingcai Xu is a teacher, poet, translator, the president of the Chinese Poetry Association and the Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Hall. He has taught classical and modern Chinese languages, classical and modern Chinese literature, Chinese cinema, Chinese calligraphy (theory and practice), and translation. Yingcai Xu once went to teach at McMaster University, Canada and took Canadian literature courses there. Later, he came to DePaul University, USA to study English and American literature. There Yingcai Xu established the university's Chinese program. He has about a dozen translation books published. Some of these books have become government gifts and some university teaching materials. In translation, he established a three-word principle for himself: accuracy, individuality, and cohesion. While trying to achieve an accurate rendering of the original text, he pursues the original spirit and a translation highly acceptable by mother-tongue readers. Besides, he has edited and co-edited a dozen translation books. Yingcai Xu is also a poet. His poetry publications include Poetic South, Inspiration from Nature, We Are Here Painting, 100 Three-line Poems by Yingcai Xu, Poems by Yingcai. He is now preparing to have a collection of haikus published. His poetic philosophy is: To use simple, appealing, and imagination-evoking language to create vivid and poetic-sense-infused poems that come directly from the heart and the physical world and create a lasting and glittering effect of artistic conception.


The Sunflower

by Bing Hua
Translation by Yingcai Xu

Is a newborn baby's
Sweet smile in its dream
Or the youthful flower
In bud ready to bloom
It's an ancient Greek nymph
In love with the Sun

She loves him
So her heart turns toward him
From sunrise to sunset

She loves him
So she looks up to him
Till her hair turns grey

Close or far
It's measured by light
Faithful and true
It's witnessed by Heaven and the Earth

Van Gogh's Sunflower
Has a set value
But Clytie's
Is priceless

My Apollo
I love you
But conceited as I am
I can't utter
The word LOVE

All my love
Has gone hidden
In Van Gogh's painting

My love
Is Clytie's love
And Clytie's love
The Sunflower


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