Real Air
by Scott Shaffer

At 6:00 a.m., I click open the porch windows,
anticipating a hot, muggy afternoon. Our air conditioner crashed

yesterday, and a new one won’t be installed for three days.
So, this morning, I’m trying to capture cool breezes off our little lake.

With a gentle woosh, brisk, clean air invades the room, banishing
the stuffiness and washing over me with refreshing crispness.

Outdoor voices delight me as they wind-surf into the porch:
A chorus of robins regales the Creator with repeated, chuckling chirrs.

A cat bird meows like an off-key violin, and I smile.
Downy Woodpecker drums away for a mate, or maybe to hollow out a home.

Tiny wrens tickle me as they scold with rattles and belt out bubbling love songs.
But real life is often real tough: Things go quiet as a cruise-missile hawk

suddenly swooshes between our bird feeders, hunting for breakfast.
Tail flashing, a squirrel fiercely defends “his” peanut feeder

from a greedy brother. A duckling’s plaintive SOS bounces off the water,
closer and closer … until momma swoops in with a splash.

I’m somehow renewed by this real air–wild, unpredictable,
teeming with real life! A life not safe, but very good.

I rue not realizing this weeks ago–when our Korean Spice Viburnum
outside the window released its sweet and spicy perfume.

As the soft zephyr caresses my body and soul, I ask myself,
“What if the AC crash hadn’t pushed me to re-connect with the Real?”


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