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Elderflower Syrup and Rosé Cooler
from the summer kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

3 cups granulated sugar
1 ¾ cups water
2 tablespoons powdered food-grade citric acid (or less to taste)
15-20 elderflower umbels
½ organic lemon, cut into slices (optional)
Rosé wine, (chilled)

Shake to remove any insects and debris from the elderflower blossoms.
To preserve the flavor, do not wash them. Set aside.

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the sugar, water and citric acid.
Stir until the sugar has dissolved (do not boil).

Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

Remove the small florets from the stems using a scissor or your clean fingers.
Drop them into a large bowl or non-reactive container (no copper, cast-iron or
aluminum). Compost the stems. The only edible parts of Elderflower/Sambucus are
the flowers and berries. All other parts are toxic. A few small stem bits in with
the flowers in this recipe won't harm you, but you want to get rid of most of
them. Add the lemon slices if using.

Pour the cool syrup into the container/bowl with the elderflower blossoms. Make
sure that the blossoms are immersed in the syrup. Cover the jar/bowl/container
with a lid and let it steep at cool temperature for 48 hours, stirring the syrup once daily.

Strain the syrup through a fine-meshed sieve into a clean/sterilised jar or bottle.
Store the syrup in a cool place for up to one year, until opened, then store the
bottle in the fridge.

Pour one bottle of Rosé into a chilled pitcher. Add one cup of the elderflower
syrup and serve immediately in chilled champagne glasses.

If you do not wish to use alcohol, use 1 part syrup to 7-8 parts club soda water
or lemonade.

This recipe contains alcohol. Please drink responsibly. Do not drink and drive
and do not drink if you are pregnant.


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