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Sketching a Tree
by David Slavin

could draw the roots
so much of tree is root
yet withheld from view in earthen vault
can only suggest the wanderings
infer the entanglements
denied precision

could pencil in some birds
perched open beak
darting closed beak into wind
but birds are not the tree
nor are their nests
twig and spittle whirlpools cradling
speckled seeds in tufted beds
until the kernels germinate
set their captives free
to stretch their wings      to sing
to vanish into sky

could color in the leaves
canary      burnt orange      brick red
but they are mere tenants      itinerants
fated to till soil
in muddled breeze at base of tree
till turn to soil
sepia      raw umber      black

could render a specific tree
historic      religious
plant tree in eden
hack down to build ark
yank off twig      thrust in beak of bird      forecast end of flood
tree      now bark      now sprig      now sign

what remains
trunk at crown of barren mound
naked limbs stretch
crippled branches clutch
at embers of a withering sun


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