from the kitchen of Kathryn Tatum

In a mixing bowl combine:

Sliced oranges, lemons and limes
1 tablespoon unrefined sugar
1 shot glass Triplesec
Splash of sweet vermouth

Mull the above ingredients.

Add red wine to cover by 1 inch. Cover
and refrigerate overnight.

Add 1 bottle of red wine. Best is a light
Merlot or Pino Noir. Pour into a pitcher.
Refrigerate to cool the wine.

Add any combination of banana, strawberries,
and/or apples. Soak 15 minutes then remove fruit.

Add ice and sliced orange, lemon and lime
before serving.

Editor's Note:
Kathryn writes, "This is my father's sangria recipe.
He perfected it over the 20 years that he lived in
Spain. And believe me, my father takes these things

Further Note:
This recipe contains alcohol. Do not drink alcohol
if you are pregnant. Please drink responsibly!


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