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Turkey Meatloaf
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

1/2 pound ground turkey breast
1/2 pound turkey leftovers
1/2 cup catsup + 5 tablespoons for topping
1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
3/4 cup diced onion
2 teaspoons basil, chopped
3 teaspoons oregano, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1 large egg
1/2 cup carrots, shredded
1/4 cup each or red and green bell pepper, minced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine all
the ingredients except for the 5 tablespoons catsup. Put
into a non stick, 9x 5 loaf pan. Bake for one hour.

Spread the 5 tablespoons catsup over the top of the loaf
and lightly cover with aluminum foil. Let rest for 10 minutes,
then slice and serve.

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