Eyes Wide Open
by Marcel A. Duclos

Amber, dear, sweet precious one,
blunt is not your style.
Calm does flow from easy smile.

Deaf with ugliness
except when you're in danger.

Face this cruel world
glazing over with disgust.

Halt when dreams reveal
Impossibles–their brilliance.

Jump ahead of gloom.
Karma promises relief
left upon your path.

Memory serves your destiny.
Nature never fails.

Ought you doubt her true intent?
Point to her excess?

Quilt the remnants of her storms.
Roof away the hail.

Still in place all turbulence
toward moment rare
under every circumstance.

Voice all beauty's praise:
wind and rain and fire too.

Xylophone your song,
you who drink from deepest well.

Zigzag to the end.


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