A Whispering
by Geoffrey Heptonstall
52 Poems ~ 72 pages
Price: $15.00
Publisher: CYBERWIT
ISBN: 978-8.1-8253-673-9
To Order: Amazon, Barnes&Noble or cyberwit.net


Opening a book I found a note, a quotation from The Duchess of Malfi. The dead author of the book had written it himself. It felt like a whispering from another, unearthly realm. It began a long trail through the wilds of nature, the meaning of faith, and through various places, through memories, acts of homage and acts of love.


“His poems reference classical literature, classical music and art. They show the writer is aware of the craft of language, sound and rhythms.”
Emma Lee, editor The Blue Nib

“Exceptional poetic capability.”
Alan Morrison, editor, The Recusant


Geoffrey Heptonstall’s fourth collection of poetry, A Whispering, was published by Cyberwit in 2023. His first collection, The Rites of Paradise, received critical acclaim when first published in 2020. Sappho’s Moon and The Wicken Bird followed. A novel, Heaven’s Invention, was published by Black Wolf in 2016. The Queen of Alsatia, a novella, was published in Pennsylvania Literary Journal in 2023. Geoffrey Heptonstall is also a playwright, essayist and reviewer. He currently writes regularly for La Piccioletta Barca, an English language review published in Cambridge, England, where he resides.


The Wild Men

by Geoffrey Heptonstall

The dust blows from the sandstone mounds,
falling as rumors in the summer haze.
The intimacy of the village senses
something in the almost urban
where the spirit of wilderness remains
unearthed in ancient bones.
History is revealed as real and uncertain.
There is strong ground here for believing
a presence in the nature of the land.
Observations for rational eyes
pale and fade in the shadow of the strangers
mute and naked with animal innocence.
The wild men are seen to wander
in ways once familiar, now unknown.


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