November on Parade!
by Michael Escoubas
The sun rises splaying the sky
in layers of purple, pink and gray.
The atmosphere sports a fresh chill,
one not felt during a warmer-than-usual October.
Fingers of air press against my skin.
Breathing deeply, I relish
subtle seasonal transformations
that mirror the way life is. Soon enough,
winter’s deeper chill: its snowy blankets,
its icy blizzards, its commentary on death,
will stir my spirit to think more deeply about
the meaning of it all. For now, I am content
wrapped in November’s benevolence:
compassionate hints of grace, ensconced
in soft colorations, winking through tree-tops,
as if Nature walks with me, we two, together …
one hand twined within the other, this enchanting
moment on parade … November’s annual gift.
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