from a photo by: Eleanore MacDonald

The Spirit of a Place
by Michael Escoubas

Is it the mere ordinariness
of this place that captures his mind?
Two fishermen motoring
on their way to catch tonight's supper,

buoys, spaced just so, making clear
the safest way to go, as sea breezes
ripple across the bay, embracing the pier.
The village flexes its muscles,

gathers strength from the half-light
offered by a discreet patch of blue,
bold to flout ghostlike clouds
menacing the town above the hillside.

Within the nuances of light and shadow,
he too, finds strength, feels
a certain kinship with the sea,
and the stalwart houses, resolute

in their sense of place. He resolves
to quell his wanderlust–
the spirit of this place blends into
his own … no ordinary thing.


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