It Came When Autumn Came
by Sharmagne Leland-St.John

It came when autumn came,
that feeling of dread
in the pit of her stomach
reminiscent of the feeling
she used to get
just before the 3:00 bell rang
when she was a schoolgirl.

It came when autumn came,
the popping sound the maples made
in the White Mountains
when they released their rainbow leaves,
a kaleidoscope of colour
carpeting the forest floor.

It came when autumn came,
the perfumed scent
of pies baking in the old wood stove
stews simmering on the iron top.

It came when autumn came
the early darkness,
shadows dancing across the walls
of her front parlour.

It came when autumn came
the reflections on days past
and wondering what
the winter held in store.


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