Taos Laundry Day, by Sharmagne Leland-St. John

As Summer Ends
by Vaughn Neeld

Mamacita and Tia Maria spent all day
out back washing our rugs in the old wood tub.
They slapped the water-heavy fabric against
a veranda post to break summer grit
from the closely woven fibers.

After careful rinsing, Mama and Maria heaved
the wet weight onto the rope line
stretched from pillar to pillar beneath
the porche and then snapped clothespins into place.

Among hanging pots of summer-singed plants,
wind chimes sway and jingle in the cloud-stirred breeze.
As they dry, the rugs' glowing, jewel-like colors emerge,
waving gayly to passersby and tourists as if to say,
"Winter's coming. Adios, see you next year!"


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