by Dan Fitzgerald
47 Poems ~ 59 pages
Price: $20.00
Publisher: Kelsay Books
ISBN #:97816339804627
To Order: or


weatherman is a collection of short poems capturing moments that occur as the seasons pass, asking us to pause and watch, reminding us to savor such times as something that needs to be remembered.


Dan Fitzgerald's remarkable eye for detail elevates each of these short poems to a spiritual meditation on the beauty and mystery of nature. The moon, clouds, grass, birds, and rain all find a special significance in this lovely collection.
–Kate Hutchinson, Editor, East on Central: A Journal of Arts and Letters, President, Chicagoland Poets & Patrons

In this collection of poems, Dan Fitzgerald intimately connects with the wonders of weather and inspires us to slow down and reflect. Through a mastery of assonance, he breathes life into his lyrical snapshots, giving voice to the natural world. I delight in his keen eye, spare lines, and the vivid details we often miss.
–Carol Martino-poet and essayist of Sun Kiss Wishes, Embracing Faith, Turning the Tide


Dan Fitzgerald is an award-winning poet and two-time Pushcart Award nominee. His work has appeared in The Writer’s Journal, Blindman’s Rainbow, Origami Press, Nomad’s Choir and others. He is the author of a collection of poetry weatherman and an upcoming collection Gatherings in early 2025 (Kelsay Press). He lives in Pontiac, Illinois, tending to home and garden.



by Dan Fitzgerald

The street is wet
from a quick, sudden shower.
I must be careful
if I am to walk the pavement.
Cars do not care, their tires
hurriedly hissing through the puddles.
But I am not a machine
with artificial limbs.
I am fragile, unsteady, traveling
on my own two legs
and I must find balance
in a world that can change
with every passing cloud.


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