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Watermelon Cucumber Lemonade
From the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

Watermelon juice, strained
Cucumber juice, strained

Here is an older recipe from June 2007 with added ingredients:

from the lemonade stand of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

Lemons (save rinds)

The secret to making perfect lemonade is to use a simple
syrup made by boiling the sugar with water. We have
added the rinds.

Use 1 ½ teaspoons lemon juice and 4 tablespoons sugar
for each cup of water. Combine the sugar and water and
add the lemon rinds left over from squeezing the juice. Boil
mixture for 2 minutes.

Discard the rinds. Chill the syrup.

When chilled, add the lemon juice and equal amounts of
watermelon juice and cucumber juice.

Pour over crushed ice in a tall glass.


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