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Happenstance: Once Upon a Night
by Karla Linn Merrifield

On the mild September night
of the tainted Tylenol scandal, one night
ending at The Grammercy Park after a night
slumming Chelsea to midtown, night
after an overlong day at the mag (Night
After), she ripped loose. Howled at midnight's
moon atop the Empire State Building, turned night—
creature. Booze. Pot. Poppers. She's bod-hot tonight, babe.
And he's got plastic, Expresses the nightlife
spree to the penthouse for a night
of illuminated lust. Deep-throated night
swallowed two more adulterers, a good night
for Alka-Seltzer post-slip-away night,
its thousand kisses; thousand eyes of one night.


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