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Tables for Two in an Alley
by Frederick W. Bassett

The painting rings a melancholy note in my heart.
The colors, however, are lovely 
yellow table cloths, plants arching overhead,
their red and lavender blooms mingling.
I'm thinking Europe, but maybe South America.
Whatever the setting, it has stirred up
old memories of us back during our travels.
Occasionally, I now ask for a table for two 
dining with one of my dear women,
lest I become a dusty old hermit.
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. You've
made that final journey, while I looked on.
My day will soon come. The how? The when?
I don't need to know. Meanwhile, I'll note,
even lament, the woes of humanity,
but in my deepest prayer, I challenge my heart
to stay tuned to the various wonders of the world.


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