Collections, by Richard Curtner
by MFrostDelaney
She spends each weekend holed up in her room
with book in hand, or maybe her iPhone.
Behind her door, it’s quiet as a tomb,
but she is never, ever all alone.
There’re endless books online that she can read
to lose herself in other people’s lives.
Biographies, historic novels lead
onto a pool of stories where she dives
imagination-first, without the fear
that this addiction will lead to her death,
unlike the heroin that brought it near,
or cocaine, or the snorts of crystal meth.
There’s safety in those tomes, and she is hooked,
ingests the stories that connect her brain,
the circuits that the drugs had slowly cooked.
Now nearly healed, she’s got the world to gain.
But not until she trusts herself to brave
the weekends spent outside, out of her cave.