"Watching a lot of Netflix together"
How I Met Your Mother
by George Bilgere
"The first girl I ever dated was a cashier"
Market Basket
by George Bilgere
"You came out in your robe, wondering why I was up so early"
I Heard a Fly Buzz
by George Bilgere

Still Life with Favrile Cup
"I do not miss you in pain but in pleasure"
To Sharmagne
The Ragged Edges of Reality
by Victor Riehl
"I had your corsage in a see-through box"
by Michael Escoubas
"A mirrored ghost appears in shadows"
The Poem
by MFrostDelaney
"Love can grow up like a smooth stone"
The Iris and the Stone
by Karla Linn Merrifield
"My eyes caressed your supple pose on newly starched sheets"
Desert Maja
by Ed Bennett
"I ask the waitress to bring me a drink while I wait"
At Times I Pretend I Have a Husband
by Vaughn Neeld
"At the end of a narrow stone path, the sea awaits"
Trattoria Venezia
by Mary Jo Balistreri
"Your heart-shaped face a fountain of love"
Nest Mates
by Wilda Morris
"Thank you for showing me the world through new windows"
Dearest Merle
by Mark Fleisher
"Heart pebbles arranged as a larger heart shape"
Returning the Stones
by Tony Curtis
"Winter's always coming in Wisconsin"
Love Song
by Karen Loeb
"I press my hand to your lips, quiet now"
I Press My Hand
by Doris Lynch
"Inventing a landscape where words were unnecessary"
by Lois P. Jones
"I trusted"
Still Here
by Susan Rocco-McKeel
"He lived large, loved hard and free"
Ode to a Writer’s Pen
by Jane Lang
"You reach your arms out to me"
The Power of Love
by Maralee Gerke
"Snatches of conversation, slip away"
Chasing the Light
by Annie Jenkin
"Through the mist you hold me"
by Tenney W Walsh
"That moment when flowers blossomed in snow"
Love’s Expectations
by Gail Denham
"Though forced apart, we will remain as one in dreaming"
My Love for You
by Paulette Demers Turco
"Nights when he used me like poetry"
Unrequited Love
by Sharmagne Leland-St,John

Framed Flowers
Poetry Prompt For March 2023

Pink Roses

Ekphrastic Prompt For March 2023

Yellow Flowers
Bright Skies: Selected Poems
by Maja Trochimczyk
Reviewed by Michael Escoubas
Shield the Joyous
By Christopher X Shade
Reviewed by Neil Leadbeater
THE POWER OF THE PAUSE: The Wonder of Our Here & Now
Editors: Heather Tosteson and Charles D. Brockett
Reviewed by Michael Escoubas
In Her Terms
by Toti O’Brien
Reviewed by Michael Escoubas

Autumn Arrangement
Publisher Moonrise Press
Crystal Fire: Poems of Joy & Wisdom
Editor: Maja Trochimczyk
Published by Cloud Hands Press
Desert Flow
Poetry by Charlotte Hart

Yellow Flowers In Vase
An interview with Kathy Lohrum Cotton
by Neil Leadbeater

Lily Pond
A Valentine’s Day brunch favorite
A Bloody, Bloody Mary
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland St.John
Give your “Most Beloved“ Hearts and Flowers for Valentine’s Day
Here’s My Heart Cookies
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St.John
The absolute best brownies you will ever make!
Valentine Chewy Brownies
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
Dancing in Rose's Garden
Gilda Dimi
Special Award Announcement
Sharmagne Leland St.John