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Cupid’s Punch
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

12 ounces white grape juice, chilled
6 ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate
16 ounces fresh strawberries
12 ounces pink champagne, chilled
8 cherries

Combine 1/2 of the grape juice, lemonade,
and strawberries in blender. Whirl until smooth.  
Pour into punch bowl. Repeat with remaining
juice, lemonade, and strawberries. Add a block
of ice to punchbowl. Add champagne and stir
well. Pour into glasses. Add a cherry to each glass.

For a non alcoholic version use lemon-lime soda
in place of the champagne.

Editor’s Note:  Drink responsibly.  Do not drink and
drive.  Alcohol should not be consumed by pregnant
women as it has been  proven to cause birth defects.


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