Mango Lassi
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

1½ cups chopped mango puree
¾ cup plain Greek yogurt
½ cup rosewater
2 tablespoons sugar (or honey or maple syrup to taste)
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
1 pinch of saffron, for garnish
1 tablespoon chopped nuts (for garnish if desired)

All the ingredients except the sugar and spices must be chilled or
frozen including mango. Rinse, peel, chop and freeze the mangoes.
Chill the rosewater and yogurt as well.

Add mangoes, sugar, cardamom and rosewater to a blender cannister. If
you are not using a high speed blender, add the yogurt later.

Blend until very smooth. Make sure there are no mango fibers left.

Add the yogurt and blend just until smooth, avoid over blending.

Test for taste and adjust as needed. If you like it sweeter or prefer
more mango flavor, simply add more mangoes. To cut down the
sour taste either add a bit of milk or cream. If you want it to be
slightly runny, pour a bit of milk or cream or more rosewater or
ice cubes and blend. It should be thick, yet of pouring and drinking

Pour mango lassi into serving glasses or ramekins and garnish with
chopped pistachios or ground almonds. (Optional)

Sprinkle pinches of the saffron in the shape of a small heart in the
middle. If you want it colder, chill for an hour before serving.

Editor's Note:
Serve as a breakfast drink or if thicker as a desssert.


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