The Picture of Love
Kevin, RIP 3/10/23

by MFrost Delaney

He rolls in, in his wheelchair, quietly
and smiles a bashful smile at our hello.
His speech is halting, soft but clear, and free,
expressive in a measured, thoughtful flow.

His listening is often quite intent,
as focused as a student in a class,
to understand exactly what is meant,
attention to the other, clear as glass.

He always helps, demeanor: meant to serve–
an email, cell phone, contact name he gives.
He’s go-to-guy, as if we all deserve
his best, reflects the humbleness he lives.

His attitude: like someone who is blessed
to wake each day and live within the chair,
put on the best humility–get dressed
as if he’s thankful for what put him there.

I guess I was a bit in love with him
the person who he was: love to the brim.


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