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Velvet Cream with Fraise du Bois
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
1/2 ounce gelatin
1 gill of water
1/2 pint light sherry
1 lemon peel grated
1 lemon juiced
5 ounces sugar
fresh fraise du bois or strawberries, stemmed
Dissolve half an ounce of gelatin in a gill of water. Add half a
pint of light sherry, grated lemon peel, the lemon juice and the
sugar. Stir over a low burner until the sugar is
thoroughly dissolved. Then strain and cool.
Before it sets
beat into it a pint of cream. Half fill the small molds with the
fraise du bois or chopped strawberries, pour the mixture on top, and
chill until ready to serve.
This recipe contains alcohol. Please drink responsibly.
Pregnant women should not drink alcohol
Save our Wildlife. Use metal or plastic reusable straws.
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