Protect Your Local Library
by Sharmagne Leland-St. John
is one of the deepest joys
I have ever known.
Victor and I read
to each other every day.
Recently, I wanted to read
"The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Time Indian"
by Sherman Alexie,
but someone's mother
didn't want their child to read it,
so now I and my child
and grand children
can't read it either.
What happened
to my intellectual freedom?
I can't check out
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
by Harper Lee...
Did some mother
who never read the book
fear we'd go on a rampage
killing mockingbirds?
Thank goodness
I already read
Aldous Huxley's
"A Brave New World",
So I can "Be Here Now"
without hinderance
I'd enjoy hearing what
Mark Twain
would have to say
about "Huckleberry Finn"
being banned!
I grew up on his books
and want my grandchildren
to learn how to get someone
else to do their chores,
the way Tom Sawyer did!
We binge watched
Margaret Atwood's
"The Handmaid's Tale"
on TV so that's not an issue,
at least not for me...
Oh my gosh!
"The Catcher in the Rye"?
JD Salinger might be
thrilled to know
I'm hoarding several copies!
To name only a few of the top
100 multi-award winning, banned books:
"Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl"
"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker
"1984" by George Orwell
"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou
"Madeline and the Gypsies" by Ludwig Bemelmans
Oh, I forgot to mention
"The Holy Bible"!
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