"Our minds were already dashes of sliver speeding across ice"
Layered in Winter
by Mary Jo Balistreri
"Against the jetty, waves chew into stone"
Walking With the Wild
by Mary Jo Balistreri
"The chant of Irish monks intensifies the quiet"
A Winter Day
by Mary Jo Balistreri

Ice on Needles (Chippewa Falls, WI)
"A nimble of chickadees"
by Sarah Sadie
"Sunset moments add hue"
Winter Dust
by Maggie Kirton
"Memories of sledding and mugs of hot chocolates"
These are no more your dreams than this is your sky
by t.wagner
"Fire crackles in the ancient wood stove"
Lying in limbo
by Jacqueline Craven
"In the shadow of the cloister bell"
Night Song
by Sharmagne Leland-St. John
"What little sun is left"
Winter's in Charge
by Connie Walle

Rush River
Nature of it All
by Jeannie E. Roberts
Reviewed by Ed Bennett

Geese in Winter (Chippewa Falls, WI)
She Writes Press Proudly Presents
benediction for a black swan
by Mimi Zollars

Usher in the New Year and cold weather with this spicy soup
Spicy Parsnip Soup
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
Keep this spice mix on hand to enhance your Indian meals and chutneys
Garam Masala
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
Get rid of that winter chill with this spicy entrée
Ginger Lamb
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
A deliciously different type of rice dish that everyone will enjoy
Dill-Lemon Rice
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John
For good fortune in the New Year, a plate of black-eyed peas is considered auspicious, especially in the American South.
Creamy Black-Eyed Peas with Bacon
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

Hickory Ridge (Bloomer, WI)
Jeannie E. Roberts
 Tower Ridge (Eau Claire, WI)