"Preceded by Willows"
Night in the Hollow
by Nick Zegarac


"Avid Matchbox collector, recovering Trekkie"
Call From the Wild
by Nick Zegarac



"Sheaves of wheat and fruit from a vine"
Give Me A Pen
by Vivien Steels



"Silhouetted against the evening sky"
It May Be Time Again
by David Matthews



"Light as thistledown"
Prairie Dreams
by Monica Ellen Smith



"The murmur of your gentle wings"
by Sharmagne Leland-St. John




"Dogwood blossoms"
The Burn of Time
by Taylor Graham




"Fulfilling the ritual"
Nature In Balance
by Judith K. Witherow





Baby Beat Generation & The 2nd San Francisco Renaissance
Editor and Translator - Mathias de Breyne
Review By: Charles P. Ries

Addendum to: Baby Beat Generation & The 2nd San Francisco Renaissance review
extended quote from Kaye McDonough’s remarks
Review by: Charles P. Ries




On March 19, 2003 "Resident" Bush declared war on Iraq.
We are now the most hated nation in the world.
To Kill an American
Author unknown




This quick appetizer recipe can be made on the grill, hibachi, or under the broiler.
Asparagus and Prosciutto
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John


Spring is in the air with this delicious and tangy chilled soup
Cold Broccoli Curry Soup
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John



Mini lamb kebabs make a perfect light luncheon treat
Spring Lamb with Scallion Marinade
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John


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