


"On a long summer evening"
Notes to One Who Is Far from Here
by David Matthews





"Wrote my name in ashes"
Three Nights in Shanghai
by Aurora Antonovic



"An old brass skeleton key"
Two Tin Cans and a String
by Sharmagne Leland-St. John



"A hawk shrieked overhead"
River Watch
by Pat Paulk



"He has heard the elm whisper"
At the Light
by J. Brian Long



"The gardens dropping down to the Dee"
Imaginary Dreams
by Jim Bennett



"Bathed in midnight moonlight"
by Kathleen Paul-Flanagan







"The mountain laurel’s blooming"
Daddy Loved the Mountains
by Nathan A. Baker






A Cage of Dreams
by Anthony Hotopp






Luna Sees the World
by Sara Wadington





Get ready for the red, white, and blue.
Tomato Salsa with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Cream Cheese
from the summer kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John



What's a summer campout without chili?
"Aye Chichuaua" Chili
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John



You just can't have chili without corn bread!
Kaila's Corn Bread
from the kitchen of Kaila Chan



Great alternative to french fries for the weight conscious
Smoked Potatoes
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John





Graphics by Sara Wadington

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